I will not bore you with all my previous life info as I'm sure you will look further into my page if you want to see all my artistic ventures. This blog is more so a day by day what I'm currently doing.
Right now I'm a month away (argh) from completing my second term within my MA course of Art and Project Management. I adore the course with its vast amount of opportunities and learning techniques, it really has allowed me to learn within a real world approach. Although a lot of work, it is very enjoyable.
Currently I need participants to complete a survey surrounding their visitation habits to galleries and exhibitions whilst giving their thoughts on how they think we now view these sites whether this be online or physical viewing. This is all towards my Research in Practice essay, a 6,000 word exploration of independent findings.
Survey link: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/IIS7D8/
I thank you very much for your time if you complete the survey as it helps a lot towards my findings!
Till next time - AF